Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

On July 13, 2022, Posted by , In 2024-2025,Beginners, With Comments Off on Frequently asked questions

Who can join ?

Non beginner: Anyone who is 15 or older and has played ultimate before. We consider any player who has less than 12 months of club experience as a beginner. If you have played in parks or at school, please join us first at the beginners practice: we will assess your level. For more information check the 2024-2025 training page

Beginner (season 2024-2025):  Anyone who is not considered non-beginner (see description above). As Ultimate is a sport where running is heavily involved, it might not be the activity you’re looking for yet if you don’t have enough stamina. We don’t accept new beginners after mid October.

Where and when ?

Beginner trainings start in September. Trainings will take place every Thursday with the following schedule:

  1. 20.00 till 22.00

Location is our Parc de Woluwé field

What should I bring ?

  • 2 T-shirts : one black (or very very dark) and one white (or very very light). You will use them during the games at the end of the practice to differentiate the teams.
  • 1 pair of sport shoes. To begin with, running shoes will be enough but if you get hooked up to the game, you are likely to consider getting shoes with plastic cleats (metal cleats are prohibited). Soccer, american football or lacrosse shoes are all a good fit.
  • Water bottle
  • Shower gear: showers are at our disposal at the end of the practice and we usually stick around for a beer or two…
  • Jewelry is not recommended: although ultimate frisbee is theoretically a non-contact sport, in the heat of the action collisions do occur on the pitch. To avoid injuries, large earrings, bracelets, necklaces and watches are forbidden.

Parlez-vous français ? Spreken jullie Nederlands ?

XLR8RS being the reference club for expats in Brussel, we mix languages during practice. English, French and Flemish are mostly used but we repeat and translate whenever needed. Italian, Spanish and German are often heard as well.

How much does it cost ?

The first two sessions are free. Afterwards, we invite you to pay a yearly fee that covers your sport insurance, a shining new official disc, the participation at the practices as well as regional and national competitions.

We hope to see you soon on the pitch!

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